Centaurian Arsenal Starfield Location, How to Find Centaurian Arsenal in Starfield?

Centaur Arsenal starry sky location

The Centaur Arsenal is a famous building located in the vibrant city of New Atlantis. Located in the residential area of ​​the city, New Atlantis is a sprawling metropolis known for its diverse districts, including a bustling spaceport, a bustling business district, the MAST District, where UC’s headquarters is located, and the MAST District known as The more rugged lower section of The Well.

The Centaur Arsenal is a well-known destination in New Atlantis, offering a variety of weapons for purchase and modification at its weapon crafting station. In the spaceport area, you’ll find the Viewport Bar, a hotspot run by Nyssa Marcano where potential crew members can be recruited and various missions await.

Other notable locations in New Atlantis include the Jemison Business Center, which offers general merchandise, the UC Security Office, which has law enforcement-related missions, and the caffeine haven Terrabrew Coffee Shop, which has its own mission.

The business district houses the Galbank and UC distribution centers for financial activities, providing the necessary equipment for the United Colonies. In addition, the MAST area includes key locations such as Constellation Lodge, Central Command and the Armistice Archives.

Finally, the residential area houses important services such as Reliant Medical for healthcare services, EIT Clothiers for fashionable clothing, and CJ Convenience Store, while Centaurian Arsenal remains a paradise for weapons enthusiasts. Whether you’re embarking on a mission or just exploring, New Atlantis and its Centaur Arsenal offer a rich experience in a starry world.

How to find the Centaur Arsenal in the starry sky?

After completing the game’s intro, you’ll find yourself in the city of New Atlantis on the planet Jemison. This bustling city offers many opportunities, including the Centaur Arsenal. Your first mission is to reach the New Atlantis Spaceport.

Navigate to spaceport

Once at the spaceport, go down the ramp and pass the security checkpoint at the far end. Continue on, past a striking winding statue, until you come across a tram stop with multiple destinations.

Select residential area

Depart from the tram stop and select “Uptown” as your destination. It may seem unusual to find a weapons shop in a residential area, but that’s where the Centaur Arsenal is located.

Find the Centaur Arsenal

As you enter the residential area, you can’t miss the Centaur Arsenal. Look for its unique bronze walls and large yellow sign above the entrance. Go into the store.

Explore Arsenal

Inside the Centaur Armory, you’ll meet Anya Griffon, the clerk. Talk to her and select the “Let’s see what you have for sale” option. This opens her shop window, revealing a wide variety of weapons and ammo. Check out the weapons available, including the fan-favorite Drum Beat, Bridger and the powerful Hard Target sniper rifle.

Inventory reset (optional)

Don’t worry if you can’t find the weapon you need. The Centaur Arsenal has a nifty feature. You can sit in one of the available seats and wait for 24 hours of playtime. This resets the store’s inventory and replenishes the weapon and ammo selection. Before resetting your inventory, be sure to purchase the necessary ammunition.

Bonus tip: Explore further

If you’re eager to discover more weapons or want to learn about the other weapons available, check out our comprehensive guide to all weapons in Starfield. By following these simple steps, you will have no problem finding the Centaur Arsenal in the stars and arming yourself for the adventures that await in this vast and fascinating universe.

The location of the Centaur Arsenal in the starry sky. How to find the Centaur Arsenal in the starry sky?

Image source – YouTube


starry sky

“Starfield” is a video game produced by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It’s an action RPG, which means you play a character in a grand adventure. The game was first talked about at a major gaming event in 2018.

It’s special because it’s a completely new idea from Bethesda. In “Starfield” you explore space and go on exciting adventures. It was released on September 6, 2023, and you can play it on a PC with Windows or Xbox Series X/S.

NEWSTARS Education invites you to explore the thrill of gaming! Our gaming articles are designed to be easy to read and enjoy for all readers. Start reading now and unlock new adventures in the game world.

starry sky game

In the game “Starfield”, you will become a space explorer and experience many adventures. You can view the game from the character’s eyes (as if you were really there) or from behind the character. The game world is very large, like an entire section of our galaxy, with fictional and real planets and moons.

You can land on over 1,000 planets as well as many moons and space stations. Most of what you see in the game was made using computer programs, but some parts were crafted by humans. The game features a huge city called New Atlantis, the largest city Bethesda has ever produced. As you explore, you’ll meet other non-player characters, some of whom can join your party.

These team members can help you fight, carry items, talk to other characters, and even become your friends. You can also build your own base where you can research, build, and live. You can customize your character from the start, choosing their appearance as well as a few special things.

As you play, you get better and unlock new skills in different areas such as combat, science, and technology. You can use many different weapons and even make them better with special parts. Additionally, you can wear a jetpack to help you get around. When you land on a planet, gravity can be different, which affects how you move and fight. Before landing, you can scan the planet to see what’s there, such as minerals you can use.

You can also build your own outposts on planets for research and manufacturing. You can also have your own spaceships and even change their appearance and functionality. In the game, you can engage in space battles and even board other ships.

You can choose which parts of your ship get power, and during combat you can focus on weapons or make your ship go faster. You can meet other spaceships with friendly or not-so-friendly people inside, and you can decide how to treat them, such as trade or combat. So, in Starfield, you can explore space, make choices, and experience all kinds of exciting adventures.

starry sky map

The story of the game “Starfield” takes place in an area called the “Settled Galaxy”, which is about 50 light years away from the solar system. In the 1950s, humans explored Mars, and by the 2150s, they discovered a method of ultra-fast travel called “gravity drive.”

Unfortunately, this technology makes the Earth uninhabitable because it disrupts the Earth’s magnetic field. As a result, humans began colonizing other star systems, starting with Alpha Centauri. This led to the founding of the United Colonies in 2159 and the establishment of the capital city of New Atlantis in 2161.

In 2189, a group called the Free Star Collective split, and by 2310, a war broke out between them and the United Colonies. In the game, you play as a space miner working for Argos Extractors, and your mission is to find mysterious artifacts.

Later, you’ll see strange sights and join a group of explorers called the Constellations to uncover the secrets behind these artifacts. You can also choose to join different factions and make decisions that affect the story. As you collect more artifacts and face the mysterious Starborn, you’ll discover the possibility of exploring parallel universes and face critical decisions that determine the game’s outcome.

Starry Sky Trailer

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