Legends of Runeterra Deck Tier List, All Characters Ranked

Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra is a free-to-play digital trading card game developed and published by Riot Games. It is set in the same universe as League of Legends, with many of the same characters and locations.

The game is played face to face by two players, each with their own set of cards representing champions, spells, and followers. The goal is to reduce the opponent’s Nexus (which starts with 20 health points) to zero. Players take turns playing cards from their hands, summoning units, casting spells, and attacking enemy hubs.

One of the unique things about Legends of Runeterra is that it uses a “mana” system called “Spell Mana.” Each turn, players gain 1 regular mana and 1 spell mana. Spell mana can be used to cast spells or summon units at a lower cost than their regular mana cost. This allows players to plan their turns and save mana for powerful spells or units.

The game also features several different game modes, including PvP matches, expeditions, and labs. Adventure is a draft-based mode where players build decks from randomly selected cards and then play against other players. Labs are rotating game modes that offer unique gameplay experiences and mechanics.

In addition to regular card releases, the game also offers various cosmetics, such as alternative art and emotes, that can be purchased or earned through the game.

Overall, Legends of Runeterra delivers a deep and engaging card game experience set in the rich League of Legends universe. With frequent updates and new versions released, the game continues to evolve and expand its offerings to players.

Legends of Runeterra deck tier list

A rank list is a ranking system used to evaluate and compare different elements within a specific category. This ranking system can be used on a variety of topics, including video games, characters, weapons, and more.

In video games, tier lists are used to rank characters, weapons, or other elements in the game based on their relative strength, performance, and usefulness. The highest levels are usually made up of the most powerful and effective elements, while the lower levels are made up of weaker or less useful elements.




S class

Fitz Samira

Bilgewater + Noxus

S class


Piltover/Zaun + Shadow Isles

Class A

Jake Samira

Bilgewater + Noxus

Class A

karma set

Ionia + Piltover/Zaun

Class A


Bilgewater + Shurima

Class B

Nora Vigar

Bandle City + Shadow Isles

Class B

Caitlin Timmer

Bandle City + Piltover/Zhaan

Class B

Ashe Raider

Freljord + Noxus

Class B


Bilgewater + Shadow Isles

Class B



Class B

Jack Settle

Bilgewater + Ionia

Class B

secret ambassador

Mono Shurima

The purpose of the tier list is to provide a rough overview of the relative strength and performance of different elements in the game and to help players make informed decisions about which elements to use or focus on.

It’s important to note that tier lists are not absolute and may vary depending on the criteria used, the player’s individual skill level, and the specific context of the game. Additionally, the tier list is not a definite measure of game balance and may change as the game is updated or the meta evolves.


Legends of Runeterra best deck tier list

Here are the descriptions of the best characters in Legends of Runeterra:-

Fitz Samira

Fizz and Samira are champions from Bilgewater and Noxus respectively. Fizz is a cunning hero who can deal massive damage and evade enemy attacks, while Samira is a fast-paced marksman who can deal damage with both ranged and melee attacks. Together they form a powerful duo in Legends of Runeterra, with Fizz’s cunning abilities complementing Samira’s high damage output.


The Mastermind deck is a combination of the Piltover/Zunan and Shadow Isles regions. The heroes of this deck are good at outsmarting their opponents, using their abilities to disrupt their enemy’s strategy and gain an advantage. Masterminds decks include champions like Viktor, who can create powerful enhancements, and Thresh, who can drag enemy units to his side of the board.

Jake Samira

Jake and Samira are champions from Bilgewater and Noxus respectively. Jack is a dangerous pirate who can deal damage and loot enemy units for power. Samira, on the other hand, is a skilled marksman who can deal high damage with ranged and melee attacks. Together they form a formidable team in Legends of Runeterra, with Jack’s looting abilities and Samira’s damage output.

karma set

Karma and Sett are champions from the Ionia and Piltover/Zaun regions respectively. Karma is a powerful mage who can control the battlefield with spells, while Sett is a brawler who can deal serious damage and restore health. Together they form a balanced duo in Legends of Runeterra, with Karma’s control and Set’s damage output and tanking abilities.


The Lurk deck is a combination of Bilgewater and Shurima regions. The hero of this deck can lurk in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. Stealth decks include champions like Pyke, who can sneak up on enemies and deal damage, and Renekton, who can heal himself and deal damage with his abilities.

Nora Vigar

Nora and Veigar are the champions of the Bandle City and Shadow Island regions respectively. Nora is a yordle who can deal damage and stun enemy units, while Vegal is a mage who can deal massive damage with spells. Together they form a well-rounded duo in Legends of Runeterra, with Nora’s stun and damage abilities and Veigar’s spell damage.

Caitlin Timmer

Caitlyn and Teemo are the regional champions of Bandle City and Piltover/Zaun respectively. Caitlyn is a sniper who can deal damage from a distance, while Teemo is a scout who can lay traps and poison enemy units. Together they form a cunning and deadly duo in Legends of Runeterra, with Caitlyn’s ranged damage and Teemo’s poison and trap abilities.

Ashe Raider

Ashe and Reaver are the champions of the Freljord and Noxus regions respectively. Ashe is a frost archer who can deal damage and freeze enemy units, while the Reavers are a powerful group of warriors who can overwhelm enemies with brute force. Together, they form a balanced duo in Legends of Runeterra, featuring Ashe’s frost and damage abilities and the raw power of Reaver.


The Abyssal Deck is a combination of the Bilgewater and Shadow Isles areas. The deck’s champion can dive into the depths of the ocean to unleash powerful sea monsters.The deep deck includes champions like Nautilus, who can stun and drag enemy units, and Maokai, who can summon saplings

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