Warhammer Vermintide 2 Update 5.1.0 Patch Notes: Improvements and Fixes

Warhammer Vermintide 2 Update 5.1.0 Patch Notes


With the addition of DLSS, the game will no longer be compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. Since Steam will stop supporting these operating systems in January, we have decided to go ahead and end support for these operating systems early. We apologize if any fans are disappointed with this change.

Known issues:

We hope to roll out fixes to address these issues as soon as possible.

[All Platforms]

  • Crash: Joining a match against the Necromancer using the Lost Souls talent may cause the game to crash.
  • Crash: French translation may crash the game. Users using the French translation should temporarily switch to another language until this issue is resolved.

[Xbox & PS4]

  • Players may miss out on progress and/or have their accounts reset through this patch. We’ve escalated this issue to our backend team and are working on rolling out a fix as soon as possible! However, your data/progress is safe, will not be lost, and will be restored once repaired. If an offline player attempts to play the game online, all offline progress may be lost. While this is unfortunate, please avoid playing offline mode for now. We hope to release a patch within 24 hours.
  • Soul Stealer’s Staff “Soul Rip” attack does not change with attack speed
  • Players are currently unable to apply weapon illusions to the Soul Stealing Staff
  • Crash: When a client necromancer sends a command to her skeletons and they die (or target dead enemies) before the request reaches the host, the host may crash
  • Rare Crash: When a Gutter Runner is attacked by a skeleton, the player may crash while all remaining heroes are invisible (only possible in CW)
  • Crash: Players may crash as Sister of Thorns when reaching full overcharge and letting it decay to the first threshold mark
  • Crash: Players may experience a crash when the Necromancer dies while using a fourth slot potion
  • Crash: Players may crash when the Necromancer bot is replaced or when the Necromancer player leaves while being chased by souls from the Soul Harvest talent
  • Crash: Players may crash during long sessions when more than 511 specific buffs are added (e.g. Necromancer’s “Soul Harvest” rips the soul stack apart)
  • The Soulstealer’s Staff cannot trigger many ranged weapon traits
  • The Brilliance Staff requires twice the amount of the Soul Harvest talent to function
  • When a player joins as a Necromancer in a match and replaces Sienna’s bot, her fire effect will be orange instead of the appropriate Necromancer color.
  • The Confusion Reaper may lose sound when using certain weapon illusions.

[PS4 Only]

  • Other players are missing the Necromancer’s overcharged hand visual.

Optimization and improvements

  • Added a system to dynamically load projectiles into memory instead of always loading them to save memory.
  • Various adjustments have been made to the way player animations work to save some memory and simplify internal operations.
  • Implement DLSS. [PC]
  • Implemented FSR 2.2. [PC]
  • Repackage the game to take up less space. [PC]
  • Improved our level loading algorithm.
  • Rescale our game files and change our patching strategy to prevent future patches from bloating file sizes.

Features and adjustments

  • Added visual effects for players on fire!
  • Chaos Wastes: The Forsaken Engineer’s “Bombardier” talent now works in conjunction with Morgrim’s Bombs. Ha ha ha ha ha……
  • Chaos Waste: The Endless Bomb potion no longer replaces the player’s incendiary grenades with regular bombs.
  • For Winds of Magic owners, Minotaurs are now an option against barn monsters in cereal. surprise!
  • Enemies that are set on fire by being shot by the Moonfire Bow now have the appropriately colored fire effect.
  • Added a voice chat indicator that highlights the player currently speaking when using in-game voice chat. This was added a few updates ago, but it was missed in the patch notes, so I mention it here!


  • Fixed a client crash when players joined the lobby while Sisters of Thorns were moving. The damn elves can’t just sit there and wait for death, right?
  • Fixed a rare crash that would cause the joining client to occasionally crash if the team transitioned to another level while the client was joining.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the Glauber arm illusion to not glow properly.
  • Fixed an issue where our heroes weren’t always talkative enough at the start of their banter in the Rotten Gathering, Skittergate, and Blurblebla Haylessplurge
  • When a player has low permanent health but high temporary health, they will not be attacked by other heroes due to self-healing.
  • Chaos Waste: The Abandoned Engineer no longer loses piles of bombs when drinking the Potion of Endless Bombs.
  • Fixed incorrect icons for the following weapon illusions:
    • Kruber Spears and Shields: • Glauber Arms • Braided Spears and Shields • Dantov’s Guards
    • Giant Hammer Torpedo: • Grobbok • Bugritbok
    • Staffs of Radiance: • Elvarin’s Staff of Destruction • Arkshi’s Lament
    • Moonfire Bow: • Voice of Lilith • Kadegaran
    • Griffon Foot: • Mevler’s never-failing crowd control • Gunner’s Judgment
  • Gremlins’ projectiles now bounce correctly for clients.
  • Fixed Hensmekrubber not complaining about lack of ammo when using a longbow.
  • Fixed an issue where the customer’s voice was missing when getting OverCharge.
  • Fixed a bug where the Trollhammer torpedo illusion “Bugribok” would leave particles in the air when swapping weapons back and forth quickly.
  • Chaos Wastes: Fixed a bug that caused Pathfinders with the ricochet talent to ricochet when throwing Morgrim Bombs.
  • Fixed an issue where Orc landing sounds would sometimes not play when jumping from high places.
  • Fixed purple objects in levels that should not be visible but are. It’s all Tzeentch’s fault.
  • Fixed the occlusion culling issue in the Justice Stand garrison part.
  • Fixed a bug where using “Exciting Steam” as a Badin Ranger veteran using “Disengage” before another smoke grenade disappears would not result in invisibility. Bardeen can now use multiple smoke screens without losing the effects of his old smoke screens.
  • UI: Fixed an issue that caused game input to freeze when opening an input method editor (IME) while receiving a chat message. Now, the IME only opens when typing a message. (Thanks to Iskierka for the detailed report!).
  • Fixed perk names in the old talent menu being the class name instead of the respective perk name[PConlycomingtoconsolesinapatchandmoreconsolefixes![PConlywillcometoConsoleinahotfixalongwithmoreconsolefixes![仅限PC,将在修补程序中出现到控制台,以及更多控制台修复![PConlywillcometoConsoleinahotfixalongwithmoreconsolefixes!

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Warhammer Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is an immersive first-person action video game produced by Fatshark, known for its development and publishing. The game is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide, taking the series’ thrilling gameplay to new heights. The Windows version of the game debuted on March 8, 2018, giving players the opportunity to delve into the brutal world of Warhammer. It then launched on Xbox One on July 11, 2018, further expanding its reach by being made available for free to Xbox Game Pass members.

Fans of the PlayStation 4 platform eagerly embraced the game on December 18, 2018, marking its arrival on major consoles. Additionally, it dynamically enters next-gen gaming, launching on Xbox Series X/S on December 3, 2020. It is worth noting that a spiritual successor called “Warhammer 40,000: Darktide” will appear in 2022, continuing the legacy of the epic Warhammer-themed gaming experience.


Warhammer: Vermintide 2 gameplay

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 offers an engaging cooperative action experience, immersing players in a gripping first-person perspective. Set in the rich and dark Warhammer Fantasy fictional universe, the game transports players into a world where cooperation is key. Players will work together to engage in fierce battles against the forces of Chaos and the powerful race of ratmen known as the Skaven.

In this immersive world, players have the opportunity to play as five different characters, each with their own unique strengths and abilities. The characters are further divided into 15 careers (or 19 with additional downloadable content), each presenting unique skills and abilities. This adds depth and variety to gameplay, allowing players to tailor the experience to their preferred play style.

After successfully completing missions, players will be rewarded through a randomized loot system, adding an element of excitement and anticipation to the gameplay. Rewards earned can be used to enhance and customize your character for future battles.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 plot

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 unfolds in a gripping narrative set in the Warhammer fantasy world, providing players with an immersive experience set in the turbulent beginnings of the apocalypse. The game takes players on a thrilling journey with the heroes of Ubersreik, continuing their heroic saga that began in the first film. This time, they face the ruthless Skaven tribe of Clan Feist, a menacing and formidable opponent.

Adding to the complexities of the storyline, the heroes face a new threat from the Rotblood Legion, a Chaos warband who devoutly worship Nurgle, the Chaos god of disease and decay. As the heroes battle this chaotic alliance, they must contend with dangerous and ever-changing challenges posed by the forces of Chaos.

To further enrich the gaming experience, the “Winds of Magic” expansion pack introduces Orcs, a grotesque and chaotically mutated humanoid group. These vicious creatures’ relentless search for a mysterious artifact known as the Shepherd’s Stone propels the heroes into a new chapter of adventure filled with danger and intrigue. With every twist and turn in the storyline, Warhammer: Vermintide 2 immerses players in the chaos and darkness of the Warhammer universe, delivering a compelling narrative that will keep players on the edge of their seats.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general information purposes only. All information on this website is provided in good faith, but we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on this website.

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